La fête des LEGO ! Découvrez le set LEGO Doctor Who qui sortira, le set Wall-E et le trailer du jeu LEGO Jurassic World.
Ca bouge chez LEGO ! En effet, ils ont annoncé la sortie d’un set basé sur la proposition d’Andrew Clark via le système génial de Lego Ideas où des fans créé des set et les soumettent à la communauté pour validation. Après soumission, la propostion doit atteindre un support d’au moins 10 000 fans pour que LEGO s’y intéresse et voit l’aspect commercialisation. Si vous avez l’âme d’un créateur de set LEGO, n’hésitez pas à nous faire parvenir vos créations !
LEGO Ideas #012 Doctor Who and Companions
We’re very excited to release AndrewClark2’s Doctor Who and Companions project as our next LEGO Ideas set! The final design, pricing and release date are still being worked out. For more information, see the LEGO Ideas Blog.
De plus, BBC Worldwide UK a confirmé la nouvelle dans la presse :
Both Doctor Who and LEGO enjoy a particularly close relationship with their fans and I can’t wait to see what LEGO produce.” Emma Owen, UK spokesperson for LEGO Ideas added, “We’re extremely excited to announce that a Doctor Who and a WALL-E set will be released as our next LEGO Ideas fan based sets, congratulations to the designers Andrew Clark and Angus MacLane!
“After receiving over 10,000 votes from the online community and having gone through rigorous toy testing from our expert panel, these awesome sets are on track to be on shelves later this year. The final set designs, pricing and availability are being worked out as we speak, so watch this space for the final details!
Un set WALL-E de Angus MacLane a aussi été proposé et validé.
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